Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Whatever, Wednesday

40 min easy. Will be running 5000m B race Thursday night. Should go under 15 min if I don't shoot myself in the foot, or the head. PS. I don't have a gun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Paul,
I haven't visited your blog for about a week. Having just read the past two entries ... I am concerned. I'll be honest & admit I don't know what to say. However what I will write will be as honest & sincere as I can - a character trait I respect in you; as you aren't afraid to 'tell it how it is'.
I have known you for over 20 years & have a deep respect for your character & your ability as a runner. From time to time our 'demons' can get the better of us but I am sure with your fighting spirit (I have personally experienced it in races) you will overcome them & be the better & stronger person for it.
You don't need to break 15min. for your next race. I know you can already do it - you can run 14:**min. at a later date ... when you feel like it.
If you need to talk or hook up for a run, contact me at
Kind regards,
Matt (Thomas)